Environment variables

You can replace the default generator using one or both following variables:

export COOLNAME_DATA_DIR=some/path
export COOLNAME_DATA_MODULE=some.module

If any of these is set and not empty, default generator is not created (saving memory), and your custom generator is used instead.


It must be a valid path (absolute or relative) to the directory with config.json and *.txt files.


It must be a valid module name, importable from the current Python environment.

It must contain a variable named config, which is a dictionary (see Configuration rules).

Adjust sys.path (or PYTHONPATH) if your module fails to import.


  1. If COOLNAME_DATA_DIR is defined and not empty, and the directory exists, it is used.
  2. If COOLNAME_DATA_MODULE is defined and not empty, it is used.
  3. Otherwise, ImportError is raised.

The reason for this order is to support packaging in egg files. If you don’t care about eggs, use only COOLNAME_DATA_DIR because it’s more efficient and easier to maintain.